
Warrior Progression System of the Aiel

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General Info

Role Play Information

Warriors progress through the ranks by increasing their skill in battle techniques. In the Aiel Community this includes the specific skills and talents related to the individual Societies to which a warrior belongs.

In the general Weapon Score section of the site, you can find the various levels and what they represent in the world outside the Three-fold Land.
For Aiel, however, things are a bit different.

As a rule, given the arduous nature of the Threefold Land and the fact that an Aiel is extraordinarily tough compared to a normal dweller of the world, Weapon Scores for new Aiel characters will begin at WS 8. From there, you need to RP your character through various situations which will increase their skill (and consequently their WS).

RP's you must do to increase your WS and/or be eligible for Promotion.

The FL Staff may grant permission to do RP's as solo RP. This will depend on the number of active members within the Aiel Guild.
RP's must be of a decent size where no post count is given. We trust you to use your common sense. The higher up the ladder, the more effort we want to see.
When in doubt, ask guidance.

The Way of the Warrior

To become ready to choose a Society, you must RP 2 lessons:

* What it Means to be Aiel

You will learn about life and survival in the Threefold Land. You will learn customs and a little about the weapons you will wield for the rest of your life. Basic training with the spears will follow, as well as defensive work with the bucklers.
This will take you to WS 9

* Ji'e'Toh

In this lesson you will learn discipline and explore further one of the most intriguing tenets of the Aiel culture. Ji'e'Toh, or Honour and Obligation, is the way Aiel live their lives. Completion of a role-play situation where you learn about Ji'e'Toh and then use it to prove your understanding of it will take you to WS10.

arrow16b.gif You are now ready to choose your Society. You can RP this choice but that is not obligated. The choice will be assumed as you move forward in any case.

To become a Warrior

Now the work really begins, as you start training the skills related to your chosen Society, become part of that Society and start your work as one of the trusted members of the Aiel, dedicating your life to the safety and success of your Clan.

* Furthering your Training

Now you will have a chance to learn the skills specific to your chosen Society and practice dancing the spears.
Completion of this training thread (10 post minimum) in weapons and skills relating to your chosen Society will take you to WS11.

* Welcome to your Society

You are now ready to join your Society of choice. Each of them will have a short, role-playable initiation ceremony or some sort, written by the Society Leader to welcome you and give you a chance to meet your new family. You will then be a member of whichever Society you choose.
You are now WS12, and ready to do battle.

arrow16b.gif Once your character has achieved WS12, you can become part of the Aiel Training Staff.

      To become a TS member, send an email or pm to Mystica with a link to your character's record thread on the Training Ground.


Training Staff Requirements

As a Training Staff member you need to:

  • be an active member of the Guild for at least 3 months
  • be able to RP at least once a week for the Guild
  • be willing to update your student's records on the Training Ground board
  • be willing to be an active and contributing Training Staff member in the FL Group


Progressing your Weapon Score even higher

You already have quite a high Weapon Score and can easily hold your own against the armies of the land, but if you wish to improve it further you will have to either train junior members of your Society or take place in threads where battles or raids take place. You are a Warrior now; the other members of your Society and Clan look to you to help protecting the hold, be it by training new warriors or actively defending the hold or participate in a raid.
RP a situation where your character does either of those things (either train 3 juniors or RP defending the hold in a 10 post minimum RP) and you will be raised to WS13.

arrow16b.gif Once your character has achieved WS13, you can become part of the Aiel Leadership Staff. See further down, under Promotion Opportunities.

Bonus Weapon Score Opportunities

 Outlines must be run past the Division Leader before this is carried out.

There are additional ways to raise your Weapon Score, should you wish to take them. These are:

+2 Organize and complete an inter-divisional role-play involving four or more separate players.

+1 Organize and complete an Aiel only role-play involving five or more separate players.

    These are one-off bonuses; no more than one of each per character will be allowed

You may not progress your weapon score higher than 16 without FL Staff approval

Promotion opportunities

      Obtaining one of the following positions IC will automatically be assumed that you wish to be part of the Aiel Leadership Staff. Because there are only a limited
           number of these positions available, we feel that it is only fair to reserve those for active and contributing Guild members. This means that if multiple candidates
           apply for the same position, player activity and contribution will be taken into account.

      In order to obtain one of these positions, and consequently becoming part of the Aiel Staff, send an email or pm to Mystica with a link to your character's record
          thread on the Training Ground and your motivation.

      The FL Staff reserves the right to replace/demote any Guild Staff member according to need. Demoted characters may see their WS reversed back depending
          the decision of the FL Staff. This will be looked into on a case to case basis.


Leadership Requirements

As a Staff member you need to:

  • be an active member of the Guild for at least 6 months
  • be a positive and contributing member of the Freelanders Group
  • be able to RP at least once a week for the Guild
  • be willing to act as a Trainer when needed
  • be actively involved in all IC and OOC matters of the Guild
  • assist the FL Staff in OOC Kin administration where needed


Promotion - Becoming Second in Command

Every good army has a Second in Command should anything happen to the Commander. To reach the level of Second in Command of the Society, you will have to take some lessons that deal more with management and other skills than purely concentrating on weapon skills alone. These are:

* Hunting and Tracking:
Knowing how to follow prey or enemies without being seen and lessons in stealth will help both in hunting to help feed the hold or party while out in the Threefold Land. Learn well from a Society Leader or someone well versed in the Waste by role-playing hiding, tracking and stealthy actions.

* Orienteering:
You will never get lost if you learn how to read the surroundings and navigate over any terrain. The Society Leader will blindfold you and leave you in an unknown location. Find your way back to the hold and Oosquai will be waiting. May you always find water and shade!

* Survival:
In this situation you will take a small scouting party into one of the less inhabited parts of the Threefold Land and you must survive a week on your wits and whatever provender you can garner alone. A Society Leader will brief you on which succulent plants will provide water and which wildlife is dangerous or toxic.

If you are successful in obtaining the role of Second in Command, you will be awarded a Weapon Score 16.

Promotion - Becoming Society Leader

The strongest and toughest of the each society will be eligible to apply for the Society Leader when the position is available. The Second in Command will usually fill the role after some additional lessons have been taken to make certain the candidate is the correct one to lead the society, although if another character has the better experience they will be chosen. The Aiel are a tough race, and they need the toughest of the tough to lead them. Lessons will include:

* Leadership:
Knowing when to dance the spears is one thing, ensuring the survival of as many warriors as possible quite another, and it is the job of the Society Leader to direct his or her spears at the Clan Chief’s order. Create a role-play where you learn about leadership either as a lesson from a Society Leader himself or herself, or on the field where you have to assume command.

* The Wise Ones:
Learn about the Wise Ones and spend time among them. They will tell you a little more about the prophecies and some of the geography of the Wetlands. Listen well, for the politics and concerns of the lands beyond the Dragonwall are of concern to a Society Leader, who must look out for the good of the Society.

* Tactics:
A Society Leader must know about the tactics of war and about the different formations used in other countries. Know your enemy, as the saying goes! Use maps to plot attacking and defending masses and tell the Society Leader the best method of victory. Sometimes, the cause is useless and the best method is to withdraw and cut losses. Learn how to tell the difference! Many lives may depend on it.

Upon reaching the rank of Society Leader, you will have a Weapon Score 18.
A Society Leader may only undertake one of the bonus Weapon Score requirements.

Election of the Clan Chief

The Clan Chief will be given a Weapon Score 20 upon election.
Only Clan Chiefs have a WS of 20.

To become Clan Chief, the candidate must undertake a trip to Rhuidean (after gaining permission from the FL Group Leader) and take part in role-plays with the Wise Ones to learn more about the grave role.

By default, the Clan Chief position is taken by an NSW character.
The FL Staff reserves the right, however, to allow players to take on the role based on their active service to the Aiel Guild.

Current Clan Chiefs:

Dragonmount Clan: Ghaul
Shaido Clan: to be announced (NSW character)

Freelanders Group

FL Administration

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Weapon + OP System

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